We went down the holistic rabbit trail over twenty years ago and haven’t looked back.
When it comes to homestead health, I’ve come to believe it’s a combination of things, not one magical pill. I’ve come up with these holistic home and farm solutions that might surprise you AND change your life.
After years of trying things this is what I know has helped us:

- Diffuse, ingest and apply essential oils every single day. And I can’t stress enough the diffusing of essential oils. That made the biggest shift in our overall wellness.
- Eliminate harmful chemicals. We only have one cleaner — Thieves Household Cleaner for EVERYTHING. This means also eliminating products that aren’t clean enough to eat — for your wound care. Skin & hair care. Animal care. Everything.
- Get outside in the sun and move everyday.
- Drink plenty of clean water void of fluoride and chlorine.
- Prepare family meals made with ingredients — real food as intended. Avoid meats and vegetables, etc that have chemicals sprayed on them, hormones used, and are genetically modified.
- Change your mindset and watch your thoughts. You go in the direction of your strongest thought.
A peek into our Holistic Journey
It sounds very dramatic, but truthfully my initial purchase of Thieves oil some 20 years ago was literally the best purchase I made my entire life. Why?
My son had been sick week after week. I had postpartum depression.
And Thieves (get it here) changed our story. Then we discovered Valor, Peppermint, and Lavender, and now I have a whole arsenal on my shelves (most were free).Our homestead is holistic — meaning we use essential oils and non-toxic products on ourselves, in our home, in the garage, on the goats & dogs, and even on the chickens! We believe that if you give your body and the earth the right tools and time to heal, that it can.

Your next step
Follow these instructions!
1. Start Shopping!
Start filling your cart with all the products you want!
2. Unlock Your Discount
Unlock your 24% discount by filling your cart with 100PV or making your first order a Loyalty Rewards Order! Be sure to enter the code Share YL to receive an additional 10% off.
Loyalty Rewards is EPIC and it it an awesome and affordable way to start kicking the toxins out of your home and replacing them with safe options. Imagine cleaning without headaches. Or your kids grabbing an oil to help them sleep without waking you up in the middle of the night.
You have the ability to earn money back on every order and gifts with purchase! You can adjust this each month, & you are NEVER locked into a thing!
As you check out, make sure you select “Yes, make this my first loyalty order” to earn points on your order and lock in your rewards. And as a bonus, you’ll get a Desert Mist diffuser for FREE with your 2nd Loyalty Order!
3. Check Out + Add Referral ID
The number here should be the person’s number who introduced you to Young Living 🙂
Stop! If you were referred here by a friend, you will want to enter their numbers when you click on the above link. Otherwise the default number of 970238 belongs to me, Jodi McKenna! If you accidentally sign up under me, shoot me an email, accidentalcountryfolk@gm